Devops- Day 2

Getting Started with Linux

I started with learning what is Linux? Different Linux Distributions and Packages and it’s different display environment like GNOME, KDE Plasma, LXQt etc. Then I also come to know which dist(distribution) of the Linux should you choose and how should you use it i.e. should you go for

1. Virtualization; for which we have couple of options like VM ware, Virtual Box etc.
2. Using Linux on local machine.

According to the experience of the experts you should consider using Linux full time. Popular Linux dist includes Ubuntu, Cent OS, Arch Hat, Fedora.

Currently, I am learning the commands for the Ubuntu terminal and I have classified it in such way as:-

1. File and Directory Management
2. Text Manipulation and Viewing
3. Process and System Management
4. Networking
5. Package Management
6. Compression and Archiving